Spotting A Healthy Cairn Terrier Puppy

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Good day and welcome back!

This is Sharda with another Cairn Terrier newsletter.

How to choose a healthy Cairn Terrier dog or Cairn Terrier puppy?

Don’t worry because we will be discussing them right now…

Choosing a healthy dog or puppy is important to get your relationship with your new Cairn Terrier off to the best possible start.

It is very traumatic for both the dog and the owners to have to undergo medical treatments and move to a new home at the same time.

In addition to the emotional stress on the owners and the dog there is also the additional financial cost that can be very substantial depending on the condition of the Cairn Terrier dog.

To get the healthiest possible Cairn Terrier consider looking for the following traits in either a dog or a Cairn Terrier puppy:

  • Bright eyes that are clear and not hazy or deeply sunken. The eyes should be wide open and not partially closed or “squinting”.
  • No sign of discharge or excessive tearing from the eyes.
  • Alert looking ears that are free from wax build-up or bad odours. Often this can indicate chronic ear infects or other bacterial problems within the ear.
  • Healthy looking thick coat free from bare patches, dry looking skin or missing hair.
  • Alert expression and constant attention to sounds and sights in the environment.
  • Friendly temperament, free from timid or aggressive behaviour towards people. Be aware that the dog or puppy may need a bit of time to get used to new people but it should be reasonably short.
  • Moist nose that is free from any kind of discharge, either clear or mucous.
  • Good, strong, slightly large teeth that are free from tartar, cracks, chips or missing or damaged teeth. The gums should be pink and healthy looking not red or bleeding, especially around the teeth.
  • Free movement on all legs with no limping or signs of discomfort when moving.

Any of the following signs should be indications that the dog or puppy is not in good health:

  • Discharges from the eyes or ears.
  • Any discharge or fecal material around the anus.
  • Extremely pot bellied appearance is often a sign of worms and poor care or filthy environment.
  • Red or bleeding gums unless the puppy is teething.
  • Eyes that are hazy or cloudy in appearance.
  • Jittery or unusual movements that could indicate seizures.
  • Lameness in either the front or hind legs.
  • Excessive salivation or drooling.

A reputable Cairn Terrier breeder would not sell an unhealthy or sick animal and many breeders offer health certificates in the event of an unforeseen or not yet determined health issue arising in the future.

It is always a good idea to take your new Cairn Terrier puppy or dog to your own vet within the first 72 hours or so if a veterinarian has not already examined it.

Be sure to keep it away from other household dogs until the vet has had a chance to examine the puppy or dog.

Most Cairn Terrier breeders will do this for you as well as provide a current vet report, and if this has been completed then you most likely will not need to repeat the process.

In addition, request a copy of any vaccination record and bring it to the vet with you on your first routine visit.

Cairn Terrier breeders can inform you of what ages the puppy should visit the vet for the various vaccinations that are required in your area.

Temperament is an important part of a relationship between a dog and a person or a dog and the other animals in your home.

A properly socialized Cairn Terrier will get along with virtually any animal or person, provided they respect the Cairn Terrier’s territory.

By ensuring that you don’t start out with an overly aggressive puppy or dog, you will usually have no problems at all socializing your Cairn Terrier.

An even-tempered Cairn Terrier puppy will play with littermates but will not be the “boss” in the play, nor will it run away from the other puppies. It will respond by approaching new toys or people in a friendly manner and will not be shy or timid of new things.

A Cairn Terrier dog may be more aloof when greeting new people but should not bite or snap at people. They may not want to jump up on your lap immediately, but they will move closer to you and will eventually want to be up beside you.

A healthy Cairn Terrier will have a love of life, and will be an eager participant in family outings and walks. They will naturally be mischievous and playful, and will provide hours of entertainment and interaction for your family.

I hope that you learned a lot from today’s Cairn Terrier newsletter.

All the best and take care

Sharda Baker