How To Stop Your Dog Pulling On The Leash

How Do You Stop Your Dog Pulling On The Leash?

One of the most annoying experiences when taking your furry friend for a pleasant walk is constantly trying to stop your dog pulling on the leash. He always wants to pull you in a different direction or stubbornly stop to smell his surroundings.

This is a constant trauma for many dog owners. However the good news is that there is a simple solution to this problem.

You can solve the problem quite quickly with a few basic training techniques, together with the right collar or harness for your leash. Plus of course some good old fashioned patience.

To stop your dog pulling on the leash, one of the most important tools to have in your dog training bag of tricks will be either a dog harness or special collar.

We all love our pets and getting to know a new dog is great fun. However most owners will agree that there are times when we have to let them know who the boss is. Otherwise they start to take over.

Whether you like it or not Dog Obedience Training is all part of having a canine companion. It actually doesn’t have to be such a chore, as long as you have a few pieces of special equipment and a good quality guide to dog training on hand.


When he pulls, immediately stop and stand completely still until the leash relaxes. This can be either by your dog taking a step back or by turning around to give you focus.

When the leash is nicely relaxed, praise your dog and give him/her a treat. Then proceed on your walk. Repeat this as necessary.

Both dog harnesses and collars can be used to control your pet and keep them from pulling on the leash.


It seems like a simple choice, but in the world of dog training there are those who think dog collars are cruel because they are relatively tight and can choke the neck.

Then there are others that believe harnesses cause the dog to control the owner and therefore don’t work well as an obedience training tool to stop your dog pulling on the leash.

The truth is both can be used in a variety of different training situations. The one you choose to use will also depend on your dog’s size and character, its physical condition, as well as what you feel comfortable using.


• Choke collar/chain – These are usually made from either leather or built using steel chain. They use a simple loop that goes around the dog’s neck and tightens every time you pull on the leash or each time your dog tries to run.

• Halter collar – This is designed with the same idea as the choke leash, but it is less aggressive in nature. It has 2 straps, one that goes around the neck and another that attaches to the dogs muzzle. The leash connects to the area just under the mouth, or behind the neck.

The idea is that each time your dog tries to run, or each time you pull on the leash, your dog’s head is pulled downwards or to the side so he/she gets disorientated and quickly learns to stop pulling on the leash.

The head halter is a very humane method of restraint because it doesn’t cause any pain. It works much better to stop your dog pulling on the leash than a choke chain or prong collar.

Some brand names of head halters include “Gentle Leader,” “Promise Collar” and “Halti.”

Unlike a muzzle, the nose loop gently moves your dog’s head when he pulls, while still allowing him to pant and bark. The collar sits high on your dog’s neck without putting pressure on the throat.

Head halters are perfect for keeping your dog under control for everything from daily walks to vet visits.

• Pinch collars – These are the least popular types of dog training collars as they can be inhumane. They are only meant to be used for a short period of time and generally not recommended. They are built with small inward pointing prongs that pinch the dog’s skin each time he/she pulls on the leash too hard.


• Standard harness – The design for this type of lead is basically the same all around, there is a strap that goes around the neck and two that go over the shoulders and under the front legs.


If asked which one is better most first time dog trainers will normally choose the dog harnesses. This is because the force applied to the lead is equally distributed over the front of the dog’s body. Therefore it causes less strain on one single area, such as the neck.

However, some trainers believe that a harness is only best for walking your dog and dog collars are perfect for the quick training of your pet over very short periods of time.

Dog training collars shouldn’t really be used for periods longer than a month. Otherwise the collar could cause serious damage to your animal’s spine and neck.

There are also instances where using a training collar is not recommended. An example is on dogs who naturally have difficulty breathing or who are born with weak respiratory systems. In these cases a dog harness should be used.

Whether you choose a training collar or a harness to stop your dog pulling on the leash, the choice is very personal. However I hope the above summary goes some way toward helping you make an informed decision.

