Unpleasant Dog Behaviour – Dog Humping And How To Prevent It

Dog HumpingThe very best way to prevent your dog from humping is to neuter him or her as soon as the vet allows it. If a dog isn’t neutered then the dog humping not only takes place, but when and if you do decide to get him done the behavior can be so ingrained that he will carry on doing it anyway.

Not only will neutering early avoid this dog humping behavior but it also severely decreases the risk of cancers and other infections, and sometimes you might not even know your dog is suffering from an infection until it is too late.

If you are not going to get your dog neutered, or have had him done later in life, you must be prepared to correct humping if, and as soon as, your dog starts doing it.

Humping isn’t bad dog behavior. It is simply what an unspayed or neutered animal does. However, this can have serious repercussions on the animal if it starts displaying dominant humping. This is when your dog humps other dogs it sees out on its walk. Not only is this highly unpleasant for the other dog but it can also cause serious fights when the receiver of your dog’s attention decides he doesn’t like it.

To combat dog humping is not hard and there are several dog training techniques that you can use to severely decrease this unpleasant dog behavior.

If your dog humps your leg jump up as soon as he starts and walk out of the room and shut the door, ensuring he stays inside. Your dog will very quickly learn that his humping causes you to leave and he will moderate the behavior himself once he realizes this.

If he humps objects, or starts to once your foot becomes a no-go zone, then you can start to use training aids such as compressed air, a water spray or a tin with stones that you can shake.

As soon as he displays the dog humping behavior use your training aid to make him jump and divert his attention away from the action. It is important that you don’t look at him once you have used it, as he mustn’t come to associate the unpleasant noise/feeling with you, only the humping.

If he humps other dogs whilst out then use the same techniques, except compressed air will be a no-no as if he is humping other dogs you will scare them too and you don’t want to inadvertently cause them distress.

This is the best dog training you can do by yourself at home, never hit your dog for doing something you perceive as bad behavior, in cases like this it is actually perfectly natural for them. However, building up a bad association with dog humping by using your physical removal from the situation, as well as training aids, will send your dog a loud and clear signal that this is not something you want him to be doing.

If you have any other questions talk to your local vets or dog training schools who can help you with all your questions from humping, chewing, mouthing, excessive barking as well as potty training dogs of all ages.

Dog training online is also an excellent source of information and guidance. Videos, tutorials, and e-books are available on the training method described above and make for good watching and reading if you are uncertain about anything.

For more information about DIY Dog Training, check out the highly recommended Complete DIY Training Program today!

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