Dealing With Bad Dog Eating Habits

Picture taken from from

Picture taken from from

Sunday, February 23, 2014

From the desk of Sharda Baker.

Hi and welcome everyone!

This is Sharda with a wonderful newsletter about bad dog eating habits.

Here we go!

In some cases, dogs are not that much different from people.

There are some people who will eat practically anything that is put in front of them.

Then, there are some people who are decidedly finicky, fussy eaters.

Some dogs are very temperamental when it comes to eating. When a dog will not eat, it can be extremely frustrating.

You may also find yourself worrying that your pet is not receiving adequate nutrition and may become ill if he does not begin eating soon.

The first step is to take your pet to his or her vet to rule out any possible medical problems.

Illness can contribute to an animal having little desire to eat. In some cases, with puppies, a lack of appetite could be due to swollen gums.

This commonly occurs between four and six months and will pass after a while.

Once possible medical problems have been ruled out, there are some techniques you can use to help manage dogs that are simply fussy eaters.

First, it is important to make sure that you are feeding your dog at the same time every day. Consistency is critical.

Observe your dog and if he does not eat the food you have provided within about fifteen minutes, pick it up and take it away.

The dog food should not be left out. Generally, after doing this a few times your dog will be ready to eat when food is put out.

Avoid hovering over your dog when you feed him.

Go and occupy yourself with some other task. This not only gives your dog privacy in which to eat, which may be necessary, but it also lets your dog know that you are not concerned about the matter.

If you continually hover over him, you may be unconsciously giving the matter more attention than it needs.

Once the allotted amount of time has passed in which you think the food should be left out, about fifteen minutes, take up the dog food. When feeding time comes around again, make sure you provide your dog with fresh food.

It is also important to make sure that your dog has a quiet area in which to eat. Is your dog shy?

If that is the case, it could be that your dog needs to feel as though he or she has a safe place in which they can eat. This is often the case with animals that have come from shelters.

Good options include a porch or even a kennel. The feeding area should also be free from such distractions as people walking in and out.

The goal is to create an area in which your pet can eat in peace and feel safe about it.

You may find that this is all that is needed to encourage your dog to begin eating with no problems.

Additionally, you should make sure that you consistently provide your dog with the same type of food. Many pet owners often constantly change the type of dog food such as canned dog food or other with different dog food brands.

This can be a big mistake because it allows your dog to continually change his mind about the type of food he likes.

But again, there are vast differences between different brands.

I hope you learned a lot from today’s dog food newsletter.

I will be back for more!

Warmest regards,
Sharda Baker