How To Potty Train A Puppy – What You Need To Know

dog potty trainingHow to potty train a puppy will be the first thing on your mind when you bring home the new little bundle because it starts from day one.

There are key things to remember when you begin to potty train a puppy, and they are:

1. Consistency and repetition. These will be your constant companions during your life with your dog. Your dog learns by association and this is the key to teaching your dog to do, or not do, specific things

2. Patience. Your dog will do things that will be very, very trying. Learning a breathing exercise might help when you come home to find your dog has had an upset stomach and the evidence of which is all over your carpet

3. Research. Dog obedience does not have to be a constant battle. Research is key, as it will help you identify the training needed for your specific breed. Talk to experts and get their advice. Going to training classes is highly recommended. Talk to a potty trainer and ask on advice on how to potty train a puppy

4. Consistency and repetition. Did you already read this one? This is just to remind you that you MUST keep up with your training. Don’t give up! Once you identify what your puppy’s needs are, you have to continue with the training over the course of his life, not just for a few days, weeks or months.

How to potty train a puppy is the question all new owners face and knowing how you plan to handle it beforehand is a good idea. Normally the process takes months rather then a few weeks, which is what a lot of people expect.

Click here to learn all about Potty Training 

Tips for Crate training a puppy:

1. Do not leave your puppy in the crate for too long otherwise he will eliminate and this will be extremely uncomfortable for him. During the night make trips outside with him and during the day don’t leave him for more than absolutely necessary. Ideally someone should stay with him at all times

2. The crate is training aid not a dog sitter or a punishment. Never use it as either as it makes for a stressed, noisy, destructive and scared animal who is more likely to have more accidents

Tips to potty train a puppy without the use of crates:

1. Clean up well! Use products specifically for removing the smell of urine and faeces. This will stop the dog from using the same place to relieve himself

2. Buy pads for when you leave your puppy alone. This helps with clearing up and being disposable all traces of the elimination will be removed effectively

Advice for potty training in general:

1. Take your puppy out once an hour, once it wakes up from a nap, ten minutes after a meal, after a walk, before a walk. Basically – you can’t take him outside enough so do it whenever you can

2. Use a phrase or word when your puppy eliminates. He will learn to associate this word with the action and then you should be able to get him to do his business on command

3. Praise him really well

4. Don’t give up. If you end up spending half an hour outside with him on every trip but he won’t go until you’re back inside, then next time take him outside for five minutes, then back in and then immediately back out again. Do this until he breaks the habit of going inside

5. Expect accidents whenever you potty train a puppy. It won’t be smooth but never get annoyed with your puppy, rub his nose or show him his accidents. This is quite simply unpleasant and achieves nothing

For more information about Puppy Potty Training, check out the highly recommended

Complete 7 Day Potty Training Guide   today!

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